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Tom King (Works at )
Avaible for freelance work
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sunt in culpa qui quis.

Yesterday, 4:56 PM

Sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum officia deserunt mollit anim

27 January 2016
Media components include things that have to do with large media objects like Images, Video, Audio, etc.

Material Box

Material box is a material design implementation of the Lightbox plugin. When a user clicks on an image that can be enlarged. Material box centers the image and enlarges it in a smooth, non-jarring manner. To dismiss the image, the user can either click on the image again, scroll away, or press the ESC key.


It is very easy to add a short caption to your photo. Just add the caption as a data-caption attribute.

Responsive Images

To make images resize responsively to page width, you can add the class responsive-img to your image tag. It will now have a max-width: 100% and height:auto.

<img class="responsive-img" src="cool_pic.jpg">
Responsive Embeds

To make your embeds responsive, merely wrap them with a containing div which has the class video-container.

If your video does not have video controls, add the no-controls class to the video container.

Circular images

To make images appear circular, simply add class="circle" to them.

This is a square image. Add the "circle" class to it to make it appear circular.

Our slider is a simple and elegant image carousel. You can also have captions that will be transitioned on their own depending on their alignment. You can also have indicators that show up on the bottom of the slider.

Note: This is also Hammer.js compatible! Try swiping with your finger to scroll through the slider.

  • This is our big Tagline!

    Here's our small slogan.
  • Left Aligned Caption

    Here's our small slogan.
  • Right Aligned Caption

    Here's our small slogan.
  • This is our big Tagline!

    Here's our small slogan.